Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Veto Corleone

The Godfather of our country once again vetoed a bill to expand stem cell research and funding. He did so to prevent us from crossing a "moral line". It is amazing President Bush can see that particular moral line through the maze of other lines he has already crossed: torture, wire tapping, holding prisoners indefinitely with no charges, no bid contracts for his cronies' companies, etc. etc ad nauseam. Yes, good call Mr. Bush. It is much more moral just throw the embryos in the trash, which is what is being done, than to use them for medical research. Way to protect life and stay on the right side of that moral line.

Bush wants more "ethically responsible" research. What can be more ethical than putting to use something that would have discarded anyway? It is a good thing that someone with no scientific expertise, or training, or even understanding is recommending to scientists the research avenues they should pursue. Is it too much to ask for the president to defer to not only the vast majority of scientists but the majority of Americans on this issue? Hell, Is it too much to ask for a president who would pass a 9th grade Biology class?

The president said, "Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical." While I would agree with this statement in a more general context, it is just ludicrous here. First, The microscopic collection of cells we are dealing with here doesn't qualify as human life. Even more important, and even though I've mentioned it already it deserves repeating, the embryos are being destroyed anyway! Even if I concede the point that the embryos are human life for the sake of argument, it is still more ethical to use them for research than to use them as landfill fodder. For if it not ethical to destroy human life in the hopes of saving human life, it is just abhorrent and evil to destroy human life for no reason when it held the promise of a better future for millions of people.

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