Sunday, June 24, 2007

Procrastination Perpetuation

I just purchased Civilization 4 yesterday. It's a great game of course and somewhat familiar as I've played the three previous versions. I'm not exactly sure why I bought it other than I had some free time and I know I'd enjoy playing it.

Of course, one of the main reasons not to by it is that I have some free time and I know I'd enjoy playing it. Civilization is the type of game you settle down to play for a while at night before you go to bed and then watch the sunrise. You find yourself saying, "I just need to conquer the Romans then build the Great Pyramids and then I'll go to bed". And it is the only context I know where you can say Mahatma Gandhi is being a prick and not get dirty looks.

If I add up all the time I've spent playing the various incarnations of the Civilization games, it would probably be enough to write a novel, or a symphony, or cure some disease. Think of all the wondrous things people could have done if they had spent their time on more noble pursuits. Just think about it... while I go and attack Louis the XIV and build Stonehenge.

Sid Meier is the devil.


wundercapo said...

Amen to that, brother. I've burnt many a night playing Civ. I've managed to avoid playing Civilization and similar games for a while now (having a small child helps), but have yet to write the great novel, or cure any diseases, or do anything similarly awe inspiring in that time. You could probably blame almost anything in modern entertainment life (e.g. Must-See-TV, NetFlix, Harry Potter) for the lack of awe inspiring works of genius and innovation. Then again, maybe we'd just be sleeping instead. Civ is more fun than sleeping, but perhaps that's just the devil talking.

Harwood said...

I didn't say it was the only thing keeping me from writing a novel or changing the world, I just think it the most egregious offender. That along with my friend the TV... and the movies... and the internet... and shiny things. I should be sleeping instead of doing all that as well, and probably this. But I'll sleep when I'm dead.