Monday, June 18, 2007

That's more like it

I was walking down 20th St the other day and witnessed something I am very surprised doesn't happen much more often. A woman was hit by one of the myriad bike delivery people. I didn't actually see the actual meeting of bike and flesh but was alerted to the incident by a loud squeak of surprise and pain coming from the woman.

When I looked at the accident, she was seated on the ground with a not-so-happy expression on her face. Her boyfriend and the rider both helped her up and she brushed herself off. The couple started crossing the street and the delivery man started away. I was surprised and disappointed at the civility of all parties involved.

But that all changed when she had made it about halfway across the street-- I saw her epiphany like a bolt of lightning. Thankfully (to me anyway), this wasn't over yet. She turned and yelled back at the rider, "Fucking asshole!" That's right. Be true to who you are, baby. You're a New Yorker.

I had to stifle a laugh as I walked past them.

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