Monday, June 18, 2007

In the beginning...

I've been thinking of starting a blog for a long time and I finally have given in and done it. I need something to motivate myself to write and a blog is a good tool. There is nothing more motivating than angry blog readers yelling at you for not updating in a long time (assuming I'll have some readers who would care).

I don't see this being a log of my life because, I'll admit, it'd be boring. Sure, they'll be stuff about me but I am not going to give a effective re-enactment via text of my day. Instead, I see it being a creative outlet for me. Being a man of many facets I would expect my posts here to cover a lot of different topics. I hope this blog will put a song in your heart, a spring in your step, a tear in your eye, and ants in your pants (I think that sentence sums up pretty well what I am going after).

You'll see two contributors to this blog but they are both me. One is my comedy self and the posts that are meant to be in that realm will be posted under that one. The other is just plain old me and will be focused on more personal matters: both about me specifically and about people in general. You are all smart people so I'll leave you to figure out which is which.


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